For the Love of Collage (Pt. 2)
Every few months or so I pull out a blank Moleskine or Baronfig journal, a glue stick and scissors, and a box of magazine clippings and paper scraps. The practice of collaging my personal journals—started over a year ago—has become creative rhythm that I look forward to. As I sort through images and words, patterns and materials, I'm responding to what catches my eye and what pairs well together, and more often than not, it's different from what I liked the last time I collaged.
With these most recent journals, I enjoyed using a wider variety of materials, which stood out to me for their different qualities: the patterned inside of an envelope, the shiny surface of an emergency blanket, the stretchy plastic of an Anthropologie mailer.
January 2021 - March 2021
April 2021 to June 2021
June 2021 - Present